Do you use Git for your projects?
Git is the de facto standard for managing your projects today, it has replaced most other solutions in both professional and open source. Do you also use Git or something else, and if so, why not Git?
Do you use Git or what you use to manage something other than your own source code?

I always use git, mostly github and sometime bitbucket because of Jira.
Why would anyone use anything else? It's by far the best solution out there. I used svn 10 years ago but it kinda sucks compared to git.
You can use git for anything that needs version control, not just programming!

[+] 1 user Likes hashie5's post
Git by far is the best version control available. Becoming familiar with it is beneficial in many ways because every company has some kind of branching workflow. Bitbucket has fantastic integration with Jira if you're working on a team as well.

[+] 1 user Likes lairdwell's post
I actually like VSTS alot more

We use git at my workplace, but I am still trying to learn the ropes

Git is life. Everyone should use it. Life saver.
I used SVN in the past. Not bad, better than nothing, but should move to git ASAP.
Short answer : If you wondering if you should using git, you should.

Hell yes! Version control has saved my life many times.

Of course, everyone should use Git at any moment if they want to learn to code,.
It can save for lots of problems in the future.

For sure! It has saved me many times. I really cringe at looking back at the times I saved backups on google drive

Absolutely use for for most of the folders on my computer that contain projects. If Anything goes wrong, I know I have a safe backup.