Do you use tracking websites?
I was wondering if most people nowadays use tracking websites to track what you watch such as Letterboxd, MyAnimeList, or Trakt. In a way I find these sites kind of addicting, I watch something and as soon as I have time I mark it as watched on these websites. I don't really know very many people in my life who actually use them though, but if someone asks me if I've seen something and I can't remember I can just double-check to see if I have seen it or not, just convenient for someone like me who watches hundreds of films a year and can't always remember all of them.

I do use MAL! I use MALSync extension on Chrome and Taiga to mindlessly let my passive watching and downloading auto update my profile. We love dashboards made for you with minimal effort ?

It's fun for me! i usually forget though

Ye, its kinda satisfying to look at how much you already saw/read. The Tracker I currently use has even a point and ranked system.

