Does any think trump will be arrested after his term on office?
Because its starting to seem likely due to the recent events

(08-01-2021, 08:43 PM)TrillzTG Wrote: Because its starting to seem likely due to the recent events
Significantly doubt it. He has survived removal by the senate for his first impeachment, which shows the undying loyalty of the GOP due to lack of any consequence for actions they take. There is a plethora of criminal activities Trump has committed after entering office, none of which has gotten any significant traction. Looking at how he handled the pandemic(in my opinion) he shoulders a huge portion of the responsibility towards the deaths and travesty every hospital is facing. Despite literally screwing over his supporters every step of the way in his time in office, he amounted the second most votes in history in the 2020 election, so 80 million people don't have an issue with this guy. His own cabinet is resigning in a show of solidarity for his actions; this is to save themselves later on in their careers that they "did something", rather than actually doing something to remove him. It took social media 4 years to begin to remove this president's influence over his followers, just days before his term is over anyway. Even further, Biden is taking a "we need to heal" approach, and most likely will not be bothering with Trump once he takes office. Absolutely nothing will come of him, and I'd go even further to say that without impeachment and removal by the senate, he probably is a shoe in for the 2024 election should he run again.

I know for sure that even if he gets arrested for his action he would get bailed out of jail as an EXCEPTION ,

It seems crazy he’sngot away doing what he’s doing

No? He's done nothing to get arrested.

Highly doubt it. No point

No, Biden feels that acting against Trump would cause a lot of civil unrest from Trump supporters