Does anyone else feel like they're going crazy trying to follow the news?
I want to stay up to date, really. But trying to keep on top of everything just seems to stress me out more than anything. Anyone else feel overwhelmed? How do you stay on top of what's going on?

[+] 2 users Like KeenMilton's post
Yeah I tried to follow the news, but it just got to be too much for me. Nowadays, I just casually browse for a few minutes at a time. It makes life much easier for me.

soc med site also crazy right now plenty of fake news... first time experiencing pandemic

It's mainly just stuff about Corona so I kind of just ignore it

at the current state, there's no point. if there's something you want to keep up on exclusively then just look at that/those for the time being. most things in the news are going to be about covid-19 and a lot it absurd, mainly for fear mongering people that can't think for themselves very well.

[+] 1 user Likes blakey's post
Browse through the news website, read and analyze, think rationally

[+] 1 user Likes caesar_caesar's post
I just spend a few mins scanning a few news sites and ignore social media

[+] 1 user Likes Dslg01's post
I briefly check the news and that's all. The thing is not to stay the whole day reading article and so on. If you do that these youll get crazy

news is depressing and full of headlines ment to catch your attention than speak almost nothing about subject usually i just read headlines on most and avoid rest

For the past month, there is only 1 topic on every news/media channel, which is coronvirus. But I dont mind since i am actually interested in how this pandemic will evolve. About everything else, i have a few news site i usually visit to read about topic i am interested in, like gaming, tech, anime, etc.. I usually don't go out of my way to try to be up-to-date on everything. We don't have to.

[+] 1 user Likes dullahan81's post
im just playing games to get my mind off of things. should probably do more exercise though.

[+] 2 users Like senzowo's post
the news definitely makes things sound a lot worse than it is since bad news is always sensationalized but i think just looking at the history of pandemics and seeing how people got through it in the past helps

[+] 2 users Like th3dissonanc3's post
Browse through the news website, read and analyze, think rationally

I listen to the news, cbf reading it just listen to one of those daily news podcasts and you'll get most of what's going on in the world

[+] 1 user Likes slayerrulz88's post
Should take it in moderation so you're not overwhelmed.

[+] 1 user Likes OliveDan's post
It's been difficult frankly to get away from it. I've been actively trying to avoid social media to attempt to stay away

[+] 1 user Likes uelkedfsdc's post
The spongey mongoose waits patiently for the morning rain

What news? Seems like a dramra show to me :>

Most definitely, which is why I have just stopped looking at the new for now. They seem to be milking every little piece of info regarding COVID-19, even if it has 0 impact on anything. I only try to catch big announcements made by my own government, or ask if there's anything big going on. If it's really that bad, you'll eventually catch wind of it.

I think the most important thing is to get the news from many different sources so you can decide yourself what angle they have