Does the link lockout auto re-open after getting contributer score above threshold?
Hey Big Boss Lucifer,

Thanks for all your work running the forum.

Just a quick question:

- When I first joined I didn't understand the contributor score and so like a proper spaz I just posted comments everywhere. Spent my credits and got the low contributor score lockout on the link (had like -60 at the time). Fair enough, I was leeching. Lesson learnt.
- Now I've got some stuff to contribute and so have been working my score upwards like a good little citizen (I think it's now over the magic threshold). However the link I unlocked previously still has the lockout on it. Will this update and auto fix/unlock itself or will I have to wait for the mega to get re-uploaded in an new thread, then unlock the link in a new thread with my now positive/higher contributor score?

P.S Also, any plans to enable editing posts so we can update fresh links when our mega account gets nuked. All my links were up for less than 24hrs last time, >12 threads nuked haha Confused

Sorry to bother with the question.

Thanks again

Not an admin but on the staff Smile
  • Yes once above the low contributor threshold, any previously purchased links will become available. You are close to but yet not over that limit yet Wink
  • No plans to allow post edits at this time.

If you have a request make sure you include a link to the OF. 

Click Like, its the only thing I get!

Thanks Thor, so I logged off yesterday with 85 contributor score, and logged back in with it now at -199. Any idea what just happened? Shy