EDM recs?
Anyone got any EDM recs? Used to listen to it back in the day but I'm not up to date on the new stuff. What are some good songs/artists nowadays?

Depends which genre.. armin, 7 lions, olly james, illenium are my favs atm

have spotify? lots of stations

Depends on the subgenre you're referring to. Personally, I like Teminite's earlier stuff, and Egzod and Rival but your tastes will obviously differ. It entirely depends on your taste!

Will second the Seven Lions recommendation! He puts on the best shows.

Above & Beyond too. They're doing a livestream Saturday, September 26th, look up "Group Therapy 400" - should be worth checking out!

"I Saw Good" and "Reverie" are new ones from them that are pretty good.

I will third Seven Lions as well. Havent listened to his recent stuff but his 2014-2017 is fire. Odesza is my current Go-To