Fallout 4 or CyberPunk 2077?
Fallout 4 always seemed pretty cool and fun, but i never got the chance to play, or buy it,
And with the soon release of CP, should i wait to buy it, or buy fallout 4 now, and cp after?

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I'm not a fan of fallout 4, in the end I played it like a bad Sims, lots of housing and modding.

Fallout by far. I am a huge fan and i enjoy the 76 to.

I'd probably wait a little and grab both. Fallout is pretty old and with the holidays coming soon, they'll likely drop the price a good bit and you could use that for an extra game. If that doesn't really matter, I'd personally get Fallout 4 first only because it feels weird playing a newly released game with high quality and then immediately playing an older game with lesser graphics right after lol

Definitive cyberpunk, games like fallout feels so bad and like playing indie games after playing like The last of us 2 that is a really high quality game

Go for Cyberpunk, but get Fallout 4 if it ever goes on sale for 50% or better.

The modding community for Fallout 4 is well established at this point, so even after beating the base game you can mod it into a pretty different game. Or just make characters hot lol.

Tbh cyberpunk it just another level

Getting Fallout 4 during a sale is the best way of going about things. I would also make sure to read or watch some Cyberpunk reviews before buying the game. It could very well be one of those games that doesn't run very well at launch and needs some patches after release.

Cyberpunk looking promising (delays aside)

I've played fallout 4 thoroughly it I think it's ok, you can get a good amount of gameplay for it's cheap price. But go for fallout first then CP, play a good game and then a better game afterwards.

Cyberpunk! Launch of 76 left a bad impression

Cyberpunk all the way cd project red will never disappointed you.