Favorite Battle Royale?
So the battle Royale genre has been around for quite some time now and I was wondering which version you like best?
I personally am a fan of Apex. I love the mobility and how it improves (most of the time) with each update. I've played warzone and fortnite and a bunch of other ones like hyper scape and spellbound but I keep going back to apex. I think it's the diverse cast of legends that you don't really get anywhere else. What's your favorite one? 
Also, fall guys is straight cancer, there I said it!

Gotta be Apex. Although S1-3 apex was primetime, so smooth and relatively balanced. I miss it.

[+] 1 user Likes MeatIsLarge69420's post
i like apex. aslo PUBG

[+] 1 user Likes bigboy70's post
Warzone, pretty basic but really like it haha

[+] 1 user Likes jacobschierr's post
i played PUBG for a few days and every update i had to study the gameplay changes, i got bored and uninstalled it, unfortunately I wasted my money

[+] 1 user Likes wakka's post
I love Fortnite

Not a big fan of any of them tbh, H1Z1 back in the day (maybe 2016/17?) was probably the best ever.

I missed the PUBG hype train because I had a potato computer. It could run the emulated version of PUBG mobile, though, so I got my fix that way. Sorta. The sheer amount of bots made the game unsatisfying rather often.

Apex is still on a prime and I've been playing it practically daily. Season 8 was my first and got to season pass lv 110 with a month left on the season. That's gotta mean something tho because some of my hardcore friends took longer to reach 110.
I also absolutely love how the F2Ps are the most broken of all the characters. Wallhacks, healing, shielding, interdimensional travel... The new characters are unique and cool but the OGs are just perfect.

Question, tho. Why was S1-3 the most balanced era of Apex?

btw also fuck octane. there is no bigger cancer on this Earth.

[+] 1 user Likes hexargentum's post
Currently it would be Warzone. But the amount of bullshit Cold War changes they've been making to the game since season 6 fucked the meta harddd. When it comes to an all time Battle Royale, nothing ever tops Fortnite from seasons 1 through 4.

Fortnite is still the best for me. Its a shame they added bots to non competitive though but i guess it helps new players

i would say apex but i like warzone too

Probably warzone but I’ve heard apex is top tier never played it tho

Apex Legends are good to play and funny


Not the biggest fan of battle royals but apex introduced a lot of new mechanics which I enjoyed