Favorite Stealth/Puzzle Videogames?
What's your favorite stealth puzzle videogame? There's first person such as Thief, Dishonored, Deus Ex, third person like Splinter Cell, Styx, Shadwen, Hitman, side scrolling like Mark of the Ninja, Gunpoint, and I'd include isometric Real Time Tactics games like Shadow Tactics, Commandos, and Desperados. The enjoyable aspect of stealth gaming for me is solving emergent puzzles while having the ability to plan with full knowledge of the limitations of all the variables within the sandbox and then exploiting them. Any lesser known stealth or puzzle games that you prefer?

Splinter cell all day. Tho I do tend to play most open world games in a stealthy manner if they let me

Chaos Theory was amazing.

Shadow Tactics

hitman is stealth