Favorite console
Which video game console is your favorite? Mine is the N64. It was my first console and I have the best memories from it.

The first console I ever had was the PS2 but I actually still prefer the Wii.  Many hours were had on New Super Mario Bros wii with my cousins.  I was always Blue Toad

first console i had was the gamecube and played my first smash game on it

PS1 was my first console and will be my favourite because of that

Of all time PS2 currently though Xbox one

I agree with willm, best has to be ps2 for nostalgia but currently Xbox one. Looking forward to the next Xbox aswell

The Wii was super fun to play with when I was a kid

I was always more of a PC Gamer, but I did buy myself a Switch and I couldn't be happier Smile

PS3 best cuz uncharted series ;3