Favorite season?
Hehexd19 Wrote:Winter is my favorite season its so beautiful where I am at. The snowy lands and just the whole atmosphere is nice. How about you guys?
my favorite season is winter

It's mostly rainy and very grey here. Looks more like Autumn to be honest.

Summer of course. Be one with the beaches Smile

Summer. Chicks wearing almost nothing, you don't need much warm clothing yourself and if you're too hot you can always go swimming.

Wish it would last all year. Fuck other seasons!

Winter EASY, then probably Autumn

definitely winter

I'd like to say Spring but I also have allergies which instead can make it my least favorite season sometimes. Instead I'll have to go with Fall. Not too hot, not too cold.

Fall is the perfect season

I realy like Winter but only if ther is snow.

Fall is a very nice season

Winther is good man

I really enjoy autumn