Favorite sport to practice
What sport do you like to practice more? Also wanted to know if you can still practice it because of the pandemic. I really like squash and volleyball, sometimes I can play squash but volleyball I can’t. So, what is yours?

Tennis is a fun past time to practice up on.

Sport during pandemic is really annoying. I used to go to a climbing gym. Now all I do is go jogging or do youtube workouts.

Maybe I should try to climb outside. But volleyball sounds fun though. Maybe you'd like spikeball, too.

Basketball is nice. But at the moment obisly not possible.

Football all the way.

Basketball all the way

if i had a pool i would swim everyday

Just got into cycling! It gets me off my butt for exercise ?

Basketball for sure

Practicing martial arts is cool tho I learn from my cousin in law and not from traditional classes. I practice muay thai and there some really cool stuff you could do you could elbows knees use sweeps and also clinch makes feel very versatile with the options you have in sparring

Loved playing volleyball pre-covid

Golf is a fun sport to practice since you just gotta focus on yourself and your own performance. Plus it can be relaxing with friends

I love baseball, find some "room mates" to go hit some balls to and throw around a baseball.

Basketball, this best game )