Fighting Games Thread
This thread is dedicated to a list of fighting games that everyone plays and whether we could meetup to play any of these games in the future.

For starters however, I'd love to hear which games you play and why.

I love the Street Fighter series as well as King Of Fighters.

Specifically, I play Street Fighter IV and Street Fighter 3: Third Strike. Third Strike is my favourite game in the series, due to the lovely artstyle, animations, and characters. 
I grew up playing Street Fighter IV and still greatly appreciate it though the largest drawback of the game is the roster. I am considering purchasing USFIV for that extended roster of characters (mostly for Ibuki, who is my favourite character) and the different variations of the ultra moves available.

Would love to hear your responses.

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I play skullgirls cuz the visual animation is super nice too look at, and the cast has some pretty interesting unique stuff to them. Once you get a little better at it it becomes super fun to play in general

Been playing Tekken 7, but the game is kinda dying atm.. Lol

I just plau Skullgirls and men... I'm love if it kasfjkfksg