Fighting game tips
So Ive been trying to get into more traditional fighting games for a while, still having a hard time with am though I've gotten pretty decent at Skullgirls. Any tips or recommendations?

mash a bunch

Lab up. Look up combos online, watch YouTube tutorials. Most fighting games have "trial/challenges" that give you example combos but might not do the best job explaining mechanics. Only ones I know that best explain are Skullgirls and Guilty Gear Xrd.

And then from there it depends which games you mean. 3D and 2D fighters are obviously different but even then Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat are different beasts all together.

Find Discords for the game and talk to people in the community. Most should be pretty welcoming. If you want to get good at fighting games, you don't need to buy an arcade stick, you just really gotta devote time. What other games besides Skullgirls are you playing, if you don't mind me asking?

use the old machines to play. will improve your skills

Know the concept of “turns” and safe on block vs unsafe. Combos aren’t a big part of being good, most of it is fundamentals. Oh and remember you’re playing to have fun!

huuuuge seconding on the finding people to learn with suggestion. join discords, watch and -get involved with- streamers who help people learn. take a step, join in live stream matches, get your ass handed to you, you will get a ton of feedback on how to get better and what you are doing right that way.

I started with my first fighting game, Soul Calibur last year and I got sucked in, I HIGHLY recommend it. It takes a while to learn the basics and you will get your ass handed to your online probably for months until you learn all the mechanics and when to press buttons, frames, etc. I almost never lab or practice, I mostly learn from watching others online and experience playing people better than me. It can be frustrating but fun when you can compete.

start with mortal kombat!!!

Pick a character you think you would like and just practice, it doesn't have to be online, you can go to the training room and just practice combos, theres not really an easy way to get better at fighting games besides that.

learn combos and wait for openings instead of mashing buttons

learn combos

learn combos and never button mash

practice practice practice

1. Find a control style you find comfortable. Be it pad, arcade stick or keyboard.

2. Find a character you like the feel of or suitd your playstyle. You like standing back and attacking from distance, play a zoning character. You like trying to finishing a fight as fast as possible, play a rushdown

3. Learn some simple combos and moves with your character that with practice you can perform flawless. 

4. Jump in against other players and learn how other characters play and to counter them with your moves. 

5. Have fun, there is no playing if it is not fun

Well the most important thing in fighting games is practicing your combos, learn timings and interactions. You should find a character you really like and stick with that character until you get really comfortable. You can check up on youtube videos with high level play of that character to get a better understanding of it.

Find the character(s) you enjoy playing the most, and train in the lab. Learn your basic combos, then experiment. Try to come up with situations that you might encounter in a match where you would have to make a combo that will be the most effective. Learn the attacks your characters have that render them most vulnerable and find the best synergy with your team.

Don't get discouraged with loses as they are a learning experience! You got this!