Fist fights
I got into my first physical fight in ten years on monday night when a random guy and his mates surrounded me and my room mate trying to hustle cash off us, managed to fight them off thanks to some other guys running over to help out in the situation. and it made me realise that i havent been in a fight since i was in my early twenties, so over 10 years. the way my grandad used to talk i always imagined i would be fighting all the time as a kid, but when i became an adult i find people mainly just want to shout and not actually have that physical altercation.

When was your last punch up? do you find physical altercations stop as you grow up?

Haven't had one in ages. The last one I had, I was security at a bar, so fights were common. Physical altercations tend to be less as you get older, but go right back to normal once alcohol is mixed in.

havent had a fist fight since i beat the crap out of a guy who broke my ds in high school.

I've only ever been in two fights - the first time I was jumped and didn't respond, the second time I suppose you could say I "won".

a real fight not for years. people probably have gotten more fragile minded with time.

It's fine, fight dirty. Punch him in the dick.

Probably 3 years since my last fight

I find that fist fights revolve heavily on keeping your cool and landing that one shot.

Late teens/early twenties. Used to stare people down and mouth off to them at any occasion. Now i don't even care and just walk away. It was exciting back in the day but now i feel childish starting trouble. It gets a bit embarrassing as you get older.

they definitely stop as you grow older. early 20s is prime

depends on the person though i guess

I haven’t fought anyone since like 2009 I think

Yeah fights don’t happen very often I think the last time I got in a fight was in high school o we some dumb teenager things

Haven't been in a fight since my early twenties. I think people who habitually fight as adults are pretty impulsive and usually end up in prison.