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For the newcomers
Nice and confusing. It would be nice if the way to post and get your various points up was spelled out clearly. It might make someone decide to buy in.

Thanks for the info!

So you have to post a shit ton of stuff that's not already on here before you can see anything, well that's an interesting system. Not one for me or most people but sure. I should have researched this before signing up.

Thank you a lot

thank you for this

got it. thanks for the info

Well that’s confusing, but thanks!

Wow this is amazing info thanks man!!

So, like, replying to this thread for example!

thanks for the tip - was just wondering about this

just learnt this the hard way and spent my credits xD

This makes more sense now

thanks this helped

ive been trying to figure out how to do this. thank you

How do i earn credits though?

Thank you this is really help

Thanks that helps a lot

Oh rip. just saw that posting comments under leaks minuses points

Found this just now, helpful a lot

This is helpful Thanks!

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