Former US secretary of state Colin Powell has died
looks like it was after complications from COVID-19...he had cancer before, so I think he had issues with the immune system

RIP blackwhite man.

[+] 1 user Likes thundereder9t8y's post
Damn shame. He seemed like a pretty reasonable and honerable dude

[+] 1 user Likes Omega Samurai's post
I agree...the rare genuine centrist

So die he die, did he suicide, was he suicided/arkancided, or did he get the NoName treatment? Because I don't believe the media is telling the truth.

[+] 1 user Likes olichan12's post
story seems legit enough..complications from COVID and he was immunocompromised from his cancer stuff...but why get rid of him...he was about as apolitical as it gets in terms of his publicly-announced ambitions

That's why I'm leaning toward the NoName treatment. He was too valuable as a RINO, and had a public persona of being neutral, save for the Iraq War WMD "evidence". And then, they burned their Covid "vaccine" story by saying that he effectively died of the "vaccine".