Full Stack programking. What is it?
WWhat is Full Stack programming?

[+] 1 user Likes chickeneligible1's post
Full stack means you're able to write code that manages the data layer (back end) and also write code for the UI (front end). In most web programming the languages and techniques used for the back and front ends are pretty different, so a lot of people tend to specialize. A full stack developer is valuable because that would be able to implement a new feature or fix a bug on their own, without working with a team of other people. In today's remote/distributed workforce where the front end dev might be asleep when you need to fix a bug, being able to handle the full stack is a huge benefit.

Typically back end developers need to learn a server side language like Java, Python, Ruby, Go as well as become familiar with database languages like SQL.
Front end devs need to learn HTML/CSS, Javascript, and all the intricacies of dealing with multiple browsers, front end frameworks like ReactNative or Angular
I would also add the infrastructure layer, which we call devops. They need to learn how to manage servers, use AWS or other cloud services, manage costs, deliver scalability

Its a lot to learn - but it can be a lot of fun.

[+] 1 user Likes breefan's post
Thx for letting me know

Full Stack is the worst.You are resonsible for everything: Frontend, the part of the Website the user sees, the backend the database, the server side logic.

In a big company normally you have a frontend team and a backend team

Full stack isn't that bad, it's just harder to become good. I think full stack is the best option for those who want to work on their own projects. You don't need to be a master at everything to create projects on your own that people will find useful. Just learn stuff on the need-to-know basis and you will eventually get there. Smile

Generally full stack covers
1. Frontend
2. Backend
3. DevOps

People generally forget about DevOps entirely when it comes to full stack programming. Most of the interviews that I have come across, never really consider you for full stack unless and until you can deploy an app to the cloud. Apart from that, you have to be proficient in frontend and backend as well.

Is there more money in being a full stack programmer?

Full stack programmers are people that are able to work on all aspects of a full product. Databases, middletier and front end technologies. Most are ok at everything and really good at one aspect.

Full stack programmers tend to shine at smaller companies where they can make a big impact. They can definitely pay better, but it all depends on how useful you are to your specific company.