Future of WoW
Anyone else find BfA pretty lacklustre? Concerned Shadowlands is going to be even more of a cash grab

i probably still play about 30 minutes total a week. its a good time waster but i remember playing for hours a day

As long as the developer mindset hasn't changed, it probably wont be great.

I've been playing for a while wow, but it doesnt evolve from it i guess, time to retire

Cash grab ? Its always a cash grab from blizzard i alredy quitted that game, but good times

At this point blizzard has lost most of it's soul

This game went downhill the moment they let Ghostcrawler fuck with the game, I haven't played the game in YEARS and I will never play it ever again, blizzard is going downhill fast even OW which I thought was good is failing.

WoW for me lost the hype, too expensive in another countries, be free 2 play, with dlc's for pay will help

blizzard doesn't exist anymore, it's just activision. WoW will never be more than a lazy cash grab at this point. Legion was a huge step in a good direction, moving away from the forced "HORDE VERSUS ALLIANCE REEE" that the devs keep trying to push, and BfA was 10 steps back past that. also I say that about Legion, don't get me started on how the intro cutscene after the first player involved "battle" was fucked up considering it showed the alliance a completely different story than horde.

tried getting  into classic but damn i do not miss that grind or the game at all

blizzard has lost most of it's soul

Ive played WoW since TBC and I must say my hope for this game is completely dead. It started to go downhill in cataclysm. They pretty much lost the essence. Even tho my expectations are low I still try all the new expansions like I do every year.

i alredy quitted that game, but good times