Do you think there will ever be a GTA 6? I mean GTA V is out for a long time now and it’s still relevant. Is there even a need for a new GTA?

I think there will definitely be one. Excited to see what location they pick, some say it will be in vice city

They definitely are going to be making one.

It's just a question of when.
But by the looks of it, doesn't look like it's anytime soon.

The lead time to make a game as big as GTA is huge , but I don't think there going to be going away from a major moneymaker

Yes, definitely

Yeah It will, money talks and I think they will try to press on after the big failure Cyberpunk was

^^ can’t see them quitting on GTA after how big GTA 5 was. It’s a big money maker for them and after how much people loved 5 I don’t see why they wouldn’t try and cash in on that. Online ain’t gonna sustain them forever either

GTA 6 will definitely come out eventually and it will be played for such a long time <3. Who knows how well or if Cyberpunk will ever have multiplayer LOL.

yes i hope so

maybe on ps6, lol