Game of Thrones or Breaking Bad?
It should be clarified that the two series seem excellent to me, however, before I considered Game of Thrones as my favorite series, but its last season in my opinion was not very well elaborated, on the other hand, Breaking Bad until the last chapter was extraordinary, what do you think?

Breaking bad was consistently very good, whereas game of thrones was great until it switched from adapted screenplay to original screenplay, at which point it became almost unwatchable

[+] 1 user Likes Dslg01's post

breaking bad

Breaking bad for me. GOT is a great show but it just not for me

Safe Breaking Bad

[+] 1 user Likes Kenny94's post
breaking bad. Maybe if season 8 wasn't such a shit show I'd say game of thrones

Breaking Bad for sure!!!

GoT til season 5, then Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad, not really into the fantasy element of GoT

[+] 1 user Likes georgejefferson's post
Breaking bad for sure, GOT last season is awful.

Breaking bad by far got was ok for a bit

Yo breaking bad had a lot of good points while GOT was kinda let down at the end

[+] 1 user Likes leej0055's post
Breaking bad for me. It was consistently great.

Breaking bad is more my style

Easy, Breaking Bad. Game of Thrones got really bad towards the end, while Breaking Bad didn't
At least, in my opinion it easily beats the other

Breaking bad provides more of a thrill for me

Breaking bad is the winner for me!

breaking bad. The show got better with every season. GOT was the other way around

Breaking bad