Games During Quarantine
What games would you recommend right now? Im only playing Dragon Ball Legends and Warzone. There aren't too many games that are popping.  Smile

Hey there, Everybody!
Well... from the looks of things I'd say most of us are in the same boat; Riding this out at home trying to keep from going stir-crazy (and you know, playing lots of games)
Anyway, I'm seeing a lot of virus related requests coming in so I thought it might be a good idea to throw up a dedicated thread for COVID talk and game recommendations. Feel free to comment on anything pandemic related and to ask the community for help finding games that fit your needs.

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i've been playing a lot of the new doom which is pretty good

The new doom is pretty good

I'm picking up mostly old games (right now Code Veronica) and gonna try the New+ on Horizon that I've left to do ages ago

i d go with fallout or any other good long rpg

I’ve gone back to replay rdr2.

Valorant is fun, if you can get your hands on an invite

Lately I've been playing alot of gta, and I also started replaying ffx

I've been playing Judgment. It has a pretty good story so far with enough twists and suspense to keep me going. Gameplay loop is fun too with a bunch of silly sidequests that balance out the serious story. There's also a fun drone racing minigame you can play as well as a couple of old Sega games you can play if you head to the city's arcade.

Just started Pathologic 2, a super brutal game about trying to cure a plague. Possibly the best time to play it.

The Witcher 3 and God of War on ps4, up there with the best I've ever played

Witcher 3 is addicting

I really got into Starcraft II since in April they were offering free Co-op commanders and double experience points. Loved it so much that I purchased a few of those commanders after the free period. It definitely is addicting RTS game.

Please help a fellow king out and like this post!

Valorant has been popping off. It's quite easy to get a key now since most have gotten one.

Devil May cry 5
Cal of duty
Need for speed
Dying light
Resident evil