Gaming monitor/TV requirements?
Hey I'm a small time gamer (I enjoy casually playing with mates) and am looking for a new screen to play on. What spec /requirements am I supposed to be looking out for when choosing a new set up?

I'm not a specialist in it, but you definitely might want to look for a monitor or tv with high refresh rate, if you have plans of playing stuff with fps higher than 60. I'm stuck with 60hz and it limits my gaming by a lot.

It depends. what are you playing on? I assume that you're playing on a console since you asked about TVs. If your setup is on a desk then I would suggest a 27 inch 1080p monitor. You don't need any fancy stuff if its on a console since consoles cant use stuff like higher refresh rates (except for newer consoles, but its only 120hz and it's limited to a few games so far), freesync/gsync, or 2k resolutions. If you're gaming on a pc then it depends on what your computer can handle. The ideal setup is a 144hz 2k monitor with gsync, but thats like 800 bucks lmao. You also will not be able to play every single game at 144 fps. It all depends on your specs and what games you plan to play.

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are you on console or pc?

100% agreed with this.  If you consider yourself a "small time" gamer, you really don't need anything over 1080p especially if you have a console for the high graphics quality games and whatnot.

Im also a casual gamer and I find that 1080p works just fine Smile)