Gaming nostalgia stories
Ill never forget all my time playing things like overwatch and black ops 2 with our little group. Staying up till 2am every night. Playing so much we all actually got good at quickscoping. Playing fallout 3 on my crappy laptop in the middle of the winter hoping my mom wouldnt ask me to go out and shovel

I'll never forget all my time maneuvering those joysticks to move the Pong paddle. Dropping in more quarters all night. Playing so much I was an expert at steering Pac-Man through the maze. The smell of cigarettes in the family-friendly arcade hall, sneakers sticking to Tab soda spills on the floor hoping Reagan wouldn't ask me to go to war against the Russkies

Playing minecraft on the xbox 360.. talking to randoms online and helping them build. Hey dylan if you're out there I miss the minigames we used to make!