Genshin Impact
Any Genshin players? Besides dailies how has everyone grinded AR as there's no new content coming out for a bit? Material gathering has kept me quite occupied afte 30

I haven't played it yet and porbably i will not give it more than a try. for you wich is the best aspect of the game ? because i do not rlly care of farming any type of gear or any kind of deep lore. i like doing housing stuff and live stuff on games like that more than killing mobs around, seems the art style is cute and rounded. i like the memes that are coming out of this game the most  Big Grin

Given how long the updates are going to be from each other, there's no real rush to exhaust the current content.

You either rely solely on the daily commissions for a good while or go out of your way to spend resin in stuff that gives you exp.

I'm sorta confused on how people are less than 25 AR and already mentioning lack of content.

I myself am over 30 and I still have very early given quests to do bc I explore the map in sections which almost ensures I get the exp out of all the chests, not to mention I haven't even explored the whole map yet.

I'm enjoying the game so far and really liking the elemental combo system. The update today with the co-op event was a nice change of pace after searching for chest for that exp grind.

Tried Geshin Impact but deleted it after a few hours, There is something about the gameplay that sets me off and I do not know what it is.

I got so jealous of my friends that got a 5 star character pull in 20-40 banner openings that i farmed primogems soo much in the game till im able to do a 90 pull pity 5 star? but hey, the good thing is, everything is still f2p! ( for me at least )

Bruh it's so addictive and has a fairer gameplay for ftp players since there are pity chances for a 4 star and above after 10 wishes. Many things to keep you occupied but worse part is finding all geoculus around the map one by one..

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the draw rate is awful. but over all as a free to play game. its great!

Not a fan of controlling multiple or different type of characters. Played for a few hours but got bored pretty quickly. Its not a bad game tbh, just not meant for me I guess

Honestly this goes for everybody. If we have the knowledge now we would definitely choose to restart our progress and do it a better way. Such as rolling the free wishing and getting a 5 star character earlier in game instead of waiting 90 wishes just to get one. The progress you make with the things you learned will definitely set you for a much better gameplay progress I feel.

Honestly, if you are not having fun with your characters and you're not past AR 30, I would just reroll on the side.

With your newfound knowledge, you would probably progress faster, save more resources since you know what to do now, and have fun now that you get the character you wanted to play and enjoy.

BTW. Rate up banners guarantee pity for the 5star on banner (Klee right now) is 180 rolls.
90 rolls is just for 50/50 chance for banner 5 star or random 5 star.
Then the next 90 rolls is guaranteed pity for the banner if you haven't gotten them yet.
Your rolls also carry over into the next banner if you haven't hit pity.