Gift Ideas for nerdy computer sciencey sister?
My sister is a nerdy programmer she’s mid 20’s and works at a robotics company, her birthday is coming up and I need a good gift idea, she is  your typical nerdy quirky geek.

Find out what programming language she does and buy her a 'Java/C# for dummies!' book

I guess it depends on your budget. You're probably better off figuring out her hobbies. If her hobbies include 3d printing, maybe you can get her some printing material? But that's not exactly thoughtful.. without much info, it's difficult to help you out, bud.

just buy her a sweater or an interesting book

raspberry pi , its the ultimate nerdy geek gift.

Quote:raspberry pi , its the ultimate nerdy geek gift.
Defo a raspberry pi, or a keycap set if she has a mechanical keyboard.

Agreed on the pi, i got one a while back as a gift and I really like it!

this sounds horrible... maybe if you want to mock your sister.

my reply was for post #2, it wont let me quote it for whatever reason...