Going out with the quarantine
So with all the corona virus and virtual classes, I have been pretty chill with all the situaction of staying at home and watching series and playing games. Only thing that tires me is the classes but its tolerable. I can confidently say I would survive the quarantine without craving to go outside, unfortunately my group of friends dont think the same. I gotta admit am like the hermit of the group, since i prefer to go to someone's house rather than going out to watch a movie or something like that outside, but with the quarantine not goinng out would be the best tbh.

So we broke quarantine mid year for a friend´s bithday and for me it was okay since we were not many and took care. The problem is after that they wanted to continue going out like each week, which I was completely against. Am okay with going out for birthdays as we kept doing, but besides that i see it as a unworth risk going out all weeks. I love them, i know all of them since high school, but its annoying to hear them wanting to go out and then get mad at me for not wanting to go with them. I even was okay with something small for my bday and they took me to a restaurant (am not saying i wasnt happy, it was lots of fun) even tho i told them i didnt like to go out much.

Anyways, has anyone else happened to go through something similar?

I have one friend who really doesnt take it seriously. We should cut him out but we do love him

Idk these days going out is meeting with one or two other guys and drinking a case of beer

I havent seen my friends once but covid has limited my time seeing them and I can see my friendships drifting away

There’s not a quarantine my dude, if there was, all this would be over by now. If your friends are responsible and all interact in the same circle then I don’t see a problem

Not the best idea

Wouldn't risk it