Good Exercise habits to pick up for lockdown ?
Due to lockdown , exercise could be fit into timetables , is there any good exercising habits to pick up ?

It's always healthy to go out for walk in quiet places that aren't busy especially since there's nothing better than breathing fresh air imo, that's the most I do anyways

[+] 1 user Likes thetatman's post
I mean anything can work if you do it consistently right? Sit-ups, a few push ups a day, it can get you fit slowly overtime if you also eat healthier.

[+] 1 user Likes Cykablyat123456's post
I personnaly gave myself a challenge where i would start a specific exercice routine (push ups / sit ups / crunches and so on) and then i would increase the difficulty after each session. Just seeing the sheer progress i've made in a few days made me want to continue more and more

[+] 1 user Likes Amtior's post
I find myself sitting down and laying down way too often, so even a light walk helps so much with digestion

Start doing sit ups and push-ups each day.
They don’t take any equipment, and you can set reasonable goals for yourself.

Start off with 10 of each once per day, then move to 10 each twice per day, then 15 each twice per day, then 25 at once, 30 at once, etc.

The big thing is staying consistent.

Also - make sure your diet is (at least kind of) clean.

[+] 1 user Likes Whatitis's post
  • Try doing bodyweight squats too.
  • You should search a guide that explains the correct form for the exercises, since a bad form could lead to injuries in the long run.
  • Check out if you want a workout routine.

Boxing is really good cardio.

[+] 1 user Likes Buver69's post
Thanks ill try this

If only I knew how to box

Go out for walks

Yh , i been doing that sometimes when I had the chance to but going out sometimes has been limited for me as I have like other stuff to do .

Thanks bro Ill check them out . Cheers

Start simple exercises and increase gradually so it will become interesting , always be consistent that's very much important.

Using stretch bands is a good way to exercise. You can target pretty much every muscle and they are also affordable.

I also need this, I used to play team sports and now I’m not doing nothing at home, will try to workout at home