Good Foreign Films?
I only have really watched films made in Hollywood. I was wondering if anyone could recommend me some good films from non-U.S. countries and/or foreign directors.

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Hey Mate,

Depends what you're in to? Big fan of Korean cinema myseld and I'd recommend the below as a few excellent intro to South Korean Cinema. 

Parasite - Oscar winner 2020
Train To Busan - Zombie/Horror
I Saw The Devil - Action/Thriller
The Hand Maiden's Tale - Erotic Thriller
My Sassy Girl - Classic Korean Comedy
The Vengeance Trilogy  - Directed by Park Chan-Wook

The following are a mixture of European Cinema.

The Pianist - French erotic thriller. Probably one of the most devastating films I've ever seen.
Funny Games - I'd start with the 1997 instead of the remake.
The Tribe - The film is entirely in sign language.
Irreversible - This ones a dark one. Whole film told backwards from the excellent Gasper Noel.

I'm literally scratching the surface but if you give me a shout with what genre you're into I can narrow it down better suited to your taste.

The pianist / good movie

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As a Brazilian, I suggest Besouro (The Assailant, in English (for some reason)). It is a less silly kung-fu gilm based on a historical but legendary Capoeira Player.

parasite is one of the best movies ever

Parasite was really a good movie, as it even won an american award. 

anime movies are quite good also, like spirited away, old but gold.

The girl with the dragon tattoo
Swedish original.
Very very good film set

The pie and hockey girls are very good Spanish series