Good Horror Games
Can anyone reccomend any good horror games, Finnished getting the platinum trophies in all my resi games and am looking for some more horror games to sink my teeth into while im watching horror anime haha

Any good reccomendations? any platform is fine

[+] 1 user Likes FinalFantasyRulez's post
i liked dead space 1+2. havent played the 3rd game. but its worth a play

The Evil Within, Outlast, Amnesia: The Dark Descent, Alien: Isolation, The Padre.

Silent Hill, Alien isolation and Outlast

Stories Untold is an unusual one. It's mostly text-based and has some pretty cool puzzles and a strong reto feel.

Alan Wake is one of my favorites, but it's more of an atmospheric horror game than outright crap your pants scary.

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90's sanitarium is one of the best horror advengture games, play you wont be regretful

[+] 1 user Likes hamiso's post
as others have mentioned - outlast. outlast 2 wasn't as good.

Dead space 1 and 2 were great. 3 was ok but it was more action and less horror

Fatal Frame 2 and 3 for me. Reading up on the setting for 3 really added to the experience.

Dead space 1 and 2 are good.

Amnesia: the dark descent is good, but you have to let yourself be the character. Don't just run through, but read notes, try to understand and role play it in a sense.

If you like top down games," dark wood" is an atmospheric and decently spooky game. Fairly unique as well.

Fatal Frame, great japanese horror game.