Got the vaccine now what
What does the vaccine do? I know vaccines help prepare your body's immune response to covid in case you get it, but you're not exactly immune after being vaccinated. How exactly does your life change after getting the vaccine other than getting a little peace of mind that you've done something to try and decrease the severity of the disease?

At the moment i think it’s uncertain. In i had the chance I would wait taking the vaccine to see how others react

I'm not sure what you were expecting. What you described is exactly what happens afterwards.

I'm scared of possible long term effects but I guess to curb the rate of infection

Stay safe and listen to Fauci man. Good for you being sensible and cautious

It takes 21 days. Just sit back. You're lucky to be one of the first. Not getting covid is a huge relief.

Also if you live alone or in a household where everyone else has been vaccinated you can start hanging out with other vaccinated people.