Gotham worth a watch
I just started watching Gotham, it has not really sucked me in yet and im wondering if it gets better and worth watching all seasons. Its a bad habit but if i dont get sucked in with the first 3 or so episodes i tend to not continue but i know some series get better after their first season.

If your time is valuable then I wouldn't recommend it, you wouldn't be missing much as there's only tangential references to the source material. If you're bored and like to binge watch things then it's not wholly terrible and mildly enjoyable.

Not really, pretty slow series and wouldnt suggest, but every persons different so u will never know till u try

Watch daredevil instead

It's alright, some good moments

out of all the seasons there are probably only six episodes i could say were really good

i didnt like it, thought the lead actor was stiff and an awful actor

I liked it when I watched it, and it definitely gets better after the first season. The appeal to me was how ridiculous and campy it could be, so I could see that not appealing to everyone. It's not prestige tv, but it's fun.

It can be annoying but I felt like they did a great job of making the city feel dark and gritty like it's supposed to be.

The serie isn't a must but is annoying sometimes, fortunately the joker and Oswal Cobblepot.

yes absolutly, for me its one of my favorite shows because of the charcterstorys