Guitarrist, is BC Rich a good brand?
I wanted to start playing electric guitar, so I bought a bc rich guitar, overall is it a good brand?  in case you wanna know I bought the mockingbird mk5. I’ll appreciate your answers

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It depends on what you plan on playing and your setup, but if you're a beginner/just started learning that doesn't matter at all, so you're all good! In terms of brands, it isn't that important for electric guitars. I would only worry about brands when it comes to acoustic, where quality matters much more. BC Rich is generally a good brand, and are known for electric guitars so I'd say yes, it's a good choice! My all time favorite guitarist Chuck Schuldiner actually played a BC Rich, so I may have a bit of a bias lmao. Don't even worry about anything though, Mockingbird MK5 is a solid choice in general! What you really want to look out for when picking an electric guitar though are the Pickups, specifically what types (Humbucker or Single Coil) and how many. In your case, you have 2 Humbucker style pickups, which is what I personally play and swear by. they're what will affect the sound the most, and having two is nice as you can switch between having the bridge or neck pickup active for nice lead or rhythm tone, or both for a nice 'fuller' sound. This is part of why brands don't matter so much for electric guitars as well, cause you can remove and install new pickups to whatever specs you want. The rest are minor details, which are really just personal preference. Off the top of my head, Neck Width, 22-24 fret, and fret size are what to look out for cause they can't really be changed easily. The Body (the shape of the guitar) actually has little to no affect on sound, so just pick whatever looks coolest lmao. Cheers, and glhf my guy!

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