Half-Life Alyx
Valve's first ever Half-Life game in years and it happens to be VR. Personally, I'm both glad and disappointed on the matter. Been a huge Valve fan for years and everytime they release a game, it's almost always award winning. After years of radio silence deep in development hell, a new Half-Life game finally arrives. But it just HAS to be VR. I'm not too happy about it since I can't enjoy the new game through tradition mouse and keyboard.

But don't get me wrong, I am too glad Valve finally had something to show. The first Half-Life title to come in years and it just looks too damn promising. And this much effort on a single title that just happens to use new technology is a good sign of Valve's old passionate flames of innovation having a comeback and it just feels so damn good.

You guys gonna buy this game?

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I think I'd love to give any continuation of the Half Life franchise a go. VR is a bit too expensive for me to afford though, so I'll likely be seeing it on a playthrough on Youtube instead, haha.

It seems well polished even at this stage. The choice of using VR must surely makes for some good immersion, hopefully with the progress in VR hardware, prices will lower and it will be more accessible.
I think it was a good move by VALVe to drift for virtual reality, this is the platform of the future.

From what i've seen, the VR aspect of the game seems polished. Valve done some great work with the graphics and the level design. But i'm a bit doubtful about how you would combine the playstyle of Half life with VR?

Half-Life 2 is my favourite game of all time, but I'm going to be cynical and say it's hard to see Alyx as anything else than a means to sell their headset. As others have said, a combination of the rarity of the Index (or VR headets in general), the expensive price tag for one, and the fact it's PC only means I'll probably just watch a YouTube playthrough Sad Hopefully they're wise up and release a normal version - I don't really see any reason why they can't.

They didn't think this threw at all. Most of the market doesn't have VR

I talked to my roommate about this some time ago and we both agreed that it feels like Valve is really pushing VR in the sense of what a VR game should be like. For instance you see a lot of these VR games that are pretty simplistic for the most part that they might as well just be tech demos like Job Simulator. This game from what I saw in the gameplay has had a lot of thought put into it. The fact you really have to look around the environment for materials, and use it to help you in combat (like in the game trailer where Alyx opened the car door to use it as a shield). That stuff is great! It's clearly polished and had some great thought. That said though it is way out of my alley. Most people will not be able to play this game because they simply do not have VR and cannot afford it.

That said hopefully the game paves the way to the elusive half life 3. Smile