Hard job?
Is your job hard right off the bat, or do you feel like it's about to get a whole lot worse. I work for glorious giant supercenter corporation and my job is pretty tough already, but it's about to get a whole lot worse after we got these new "co-managers" who think the way we do things is wrong cause it's not how they do it. Definitely gonna be harder from here on out

Then time to find a new job. And this is also why you promote from within. You don't hire managers from outside. The last time I was in a job like yours, the boss hired a manager from the outside. Arrogant, rude, fat as all fuck, and fucked up every order he ever touched. Lazy piece of shit as well.

I feel like this is the grim future we're facing, a barely livable salary from a giga company full of small managers

Quote:Then time to find a new job. And this is also why you promote from within. You don't hire managers from outside. The last time I was in a job like yours, the boss hired a manager from the outside. Arrogant, rude, fat as all fuck, and fucked up every order he ever touched. Lazy piece of shit as well.

There's merit in hiring outside folks, but not always. A new set of eyes sometimes helps a demoralized team/group.

Quote: There's merit in hiring outside folks, but not always. A new set of eyes sometimes helps a demoralized team/group.
That's what consultants are for. Study and find out wtf the problem is. Then root out the problem.

I can understand if a CEO is someone from the outside, or if the ultimate head of a department comes from the outside. But low and middle managers should always be from the inside, at least 95% of the time I think. Low and middle managers coming from the outside tend to be lazy and buffoons. I've never seen anything good come from that. But that's just my experience, ymmv.

if it is too stressful you should quit

Just to cheer you up: If you think your job is hard, remember that Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton have on-call male prostitutes, who must do everything they say.
>imagine the smell
>and the sagging

My job is pretty stress-free; I get to chose my work and can complete it on my own timetable. That's the benefit of being in a union (I also get automatic raises every year and it's close to impossible to fire me). But it took a lot to get here, including extra schooling and a lot of time working lesser jobs to build up experience. If you keep your head down, work hard and don't make drama, you're bound to get noticed and promoted! And if you don't, quit. Tons of places are hiring right now in the US.

it's hard when you dont do it well

Quote: That's the benefit of being in a union
I don't know what union you're in, or where yours is at, but I have been royally fucked by ever single union I've ever been in. And EVERY single union REFUSED to negotiate to get us full time hours. New guys got stomped on, and the guys with more time treated everyone like shit. And when you needed representation, unless you were a senior member, they'd just tell the bosses to fire you. The last time I had trouble with another employee, I had to go to HR, explain the situation, and then request that it be adjudicated by HR, rather than by the union. Damn near got the fucktard fired, but no one was willing to file an incident report. I fucking hate unions because I always get fucked as a new employee. I wish this state was a right to work stat.

Mine is boring as shit now, but it used to be super stressful 6am-9pm almost every night

Quote:I don't know what union you're in, or where yours is at, but I  have been royally fucked by ever single union I've ever been in.  And EVERY single union REFUSED to negotiate to get us full time hours.  New guys got stomped on, and the guys with more time treated everyone like shit.  And when you needed representation, unless you were a senior member, they'd just tell the bosses to fire you.  The last time I had trouble with another employee, I had to go to HR, explain the situation, and then request that it be adjudicated by HR, rather than by the union.  Damn near got the fucktard fired, but no one was willing to file an incident report.  I fucking hate unions because I always get fucked as a new employee.  I wish this state was a right to work stat.

I'm in an office/professional employee type union, not a trade union like ironworkers, electricians, etc. Maybe that's the reason for the differences? However I will say that my union is pretty crap for everything except negotiating raises/pay increases. My work group especially comprises a very small part of the union membership, so there's very little representation on things that are specific needs of my group. For example we had been all working remotely which was easy because 99% of my job is done on the computer, but suddenly in May the employers decided we all needed to go back to work in the office. So we protested to the union and they basically shrugged their shoulders because most of the other union members are in jobs that require them to be in the office (to deal with people who walk in etc) and we were just lumped in with them. Overall though the benefits of being in a union have far outweighed the negatives.

all job hard that pay well but must do

mineing i guess

It gets easier when u start a job