Has anyone here coded a game in Python?
Don't know of any engines that let you use Python as a language, I know it's good for AI which is why I wanted an engine that uses it. I know Unity and Unreal don't.


You should separate out your platforms and development strategies, in the sense of clearly define the purpose of each.

Render engine,
Physics engine,
Server(even what each server does)

The reason for this, is you use the best tool for the job for you.

Python can be of interest for all of those,
But also, unity and the likes, you’ll need to develop that part in that language.

Hope this helps.

[+] 1 user Likes Jbcbj's post
I’m not a expert but have tinkered around with python. I would look at some videos on how to use pygame and then go from there.

Python it will be a little tricky as pagans is better for 2d games but unity is really good for all types and I think you can import a mod so you can code in python. But if you have time c# is better for game design.

A language is just a means to an end- what probably matters more is engine/framework. I think the idea that "python is good for AI" will cause more problems than solutions

Yes, basic Snake game, I use py for automations mainly.

Depends if you want to do a GUI or console game

I mean technically you can, practically if you are looking for performance you will be better of with more raw languages, and if you are looking for ease of programming Unity and the surrounding environment will probably get you farther... So you could, of course, but the questions stays why you would Smile

[+] 1 user Likes hfellner's post
I have coded simple games. However games you see on Xbox are millions of lines of code. I would believe a lot of engines could compile simple code (other language) into the massive amount of code required in python. But at that point your not really coding in python and the engine might as well compile directly to the registers.