Has anyone's university FINALLY switched away from Java in the intro courses?
The archaic nightmare that is Java is dying, and yet Comp Sci departments in universities across the US are full of professors older than BASIC who don't seem to get the idea that Python is the captain now. Some of them argue that learning a less simplified language first is a good idea, but there's a good reason why you don't start learning mathematics with Calculus. Computer Science is the fastest-moving industry in the world, and students are being lead into it by a 25-year-old language that has been slowly dying for years already.

Yup, mine switched to Python fairly recently.

This is too funny. 30 years ago the same discussion was about C, then 20 it was about Pascal, etc. Universities teach what is easy and marketable, but tend to be a few years behind the real world. I've been in the business 3 decades, so believe me, it's SSDD.

Good luck on your future careers!

Slowly dying, yet sadly it's still rampant everywhere. It might not be the worst thing in the world to learn.

my university had an intro to programming course in python. But that was pretty much it.

I believe Java is actually being phased out at my school. The intro course starts with C and works its way through other languages.

Not sure if my university is representative of most U.S. colleges. Still curious to read more responses on this thread.

I have the same problem...

My university has Python as the intro course language with a choice between C++ and Java next.

Nope still being taught Java in algorithms and data structures 1

Nah but java is good for the fundamentals, python isnt really good for kids just learning because you dont specify types

Mine is using Python now, but they still make you use Java in other courses, so it's not a full transition.

The last uni I was at started you out with Fortran. FORTRAN. Because it supposedly taught you logic better than anything else in the world. That was only a few years ago. There was another school I know of that was making students learn COBOL first. COBOL has only legacy use now, so why even teach it? Everyone else seems to have abandoned C for Java, and Java is terrible.