Has the internet been good or bad for humanity?
It seems to have accelerated things  but I cannot tell if it is good or bad.  What do you guys think?
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As with most things it depends on the person using it I think

I think it's good generally. Putting aside entertainment and fun, there's the use for information exchange, communication, researching etc which definitely helped to advance a bunch of quality of life things.

Hard to say about the internet as a whole but I think it’s safe to say social media has been bad

i think its a net positive
so many good things have spawned from the internet

obviously theres tons of bad but i dont think its more than the good

Exchange of information has been the single greatest benefit. They call this the "information age" for a good reason.

Overall it has made our lives MUCH MORE convenient and help us gain more knowledge.
Just imagine in the past people have to wait for long periods of time just to communicate with others (mail) or find a small bit of information (physical libraries and books)

I think in terms of good, it has connected the world further than before. 

The bad, I think those who spend a majority of the time on it has negatively affected their mental health in one way or another.