Hey, It's Tom
Hello, So if you don't know me already just moving around the community a little bit I'm Tom I enjoy helping people with their issues and you can usually find me either inside the Programs & leaks section or the lounge helping people out I also occasionally go into the CS:GO paste section but since last month I haven't really been playing games in an attempt to get my life together as I realized that most of the time in my life I spend staring out my window from my computer chair and just feel like I can't go down the same road of going nowhere for another year like I did last year.

So on this track, I'd like to explain a few of my hobbies:

- My hobbies are mainly checking on this website now & again as it has normally a great community and a high population of quality content

- I train in multiple disciplines such as Muay Thai, Jujitsu & originally come from a Boxing and Kickboxing background from a young age.

- I am a Game Dev I do enjoy spending my free time working on games and just having a general discussion about game ideas or any specific topic in coding which interest me.

- Developing Pastes, I do like looking for blank sources to work upon and change into my own style and recently gonna be starting to work on a project for a CS: GO paste which I'm making just to drop Inv codes etc for you guys in hopes that someone will make a review upon the menu.

- My girlfriend, it's been 5 months of my life so far I have spent with her and honestly wouldn't change a thing about her as cringey as it is to say that shit but she has helped me to get back on track with life and sees things people wouldn't normally see about me.

- Discord, I love just having a laugh and a good chat inside of a discord most of the time just to cheer me up when I'm feeling low cause it's always great to sit back and have a chat about life or just piss about on some games with someone whenever shit gets tough in life and oh if you ever need a friend or just someone to have a talk to hmu on discord I'm normally always open just to have a chat, well at least when I'm on. Discord: The Notorious Tommy5K#9403 :OOF:

Apart from that what can I say I will be snooping around the community just trying to help at whatever means I can and will always be here if you just need a talk or need help with something so don't be afraid to message me.

so I'll see you guys in the void peace! :pepeOK: