Hide Savings Before Cancer Teatment
Just looking to see peoples thoughts on this, a family member recently told me i should take all of my savings out of my bank and put it somewhere like a safety deposit box or a fire safe so when i start cancer treatment and will probably try and get some financial assistance, that they don't see if in my bank and maybe deny assistance as i have a decent amount save over the last 10 years of saving. I don't make much money but i have decent medical insurace, just looking at the scans and stuff i will need to have every few weeks and the cost of chemo even just the 10% coinsurance would eat my money in no time.

Sounds like good advice. It'll also help if you have to go through a medical bankruptcy.

Have you thought of doing medical treatment in Mexico, like in Ensenada or Tijuana? Some medical insurance companies give you a lot more treatment if you choose to use their network of providers there. Some of the health insurance companies in San Diego actually have their insured go to Mexico for treatment, and it costs half the price of normal insurance.