How active is your town during ccovid
I barely leave the house now but whenever I do it feels like there are even more people out than there used to be. It's pretty ridiculous.

Big city here, but feels like a quarantine zone. No one out and about after 5pm

I believe that most humans do not wish to live like pod people, and fear the very air outside, thus they have no problem being outside.

I live in a small town so it's even more deserted then normally

My town, especially the young teens, are super active and in large groups without face coverings.

It’s not active at all Sad

In my city it feels like no pandemic is happening it is really sad that people are not taking it serious here and the death rate is going up everyday Sad

Seattle - it’s a nightmare here

Lockdown at 10 pm and bars close at 6pm only groups of 4 allowed you cant do nothing

More active than desired LOL well never be clearing this virus at this rate

Not very...

Well, a little more now anyway.