How are sites moderating if account is shared or not?
I wonder if i can create an account on a site with paid content and just share it with friends. I know it's website specific, but what ways are these websites using to catch accounts like this. And how can i safely use such account with people i know without being caught?


check the ip address and then if your country or region switches faster than it takes to travel, its obvious

some sites dont mind, like netflix or spotify. they know you are sharing the account based on ip, but if they remove all accounts that do this, theyre gonna lose a lot of money.

now, they are some shitty greedy fuckers of sites that take action on this. im gonna bet my dick that disney being the assholes they are do ban account for this. so if youre going to share an account, look on some forums to see if they gonna block you, because no one does refunds.