How do you get motivation to do/finish something?
Sometimes is really hard for me to finish some tasks in the time that I initially planned, for example reading a book or working out, has it happened to you? And if your answer was yes, do you think motivation can be “trained” in some way?

[+] 1 user Likes gespina582's post
You need to set a routine and goals ... if your not keeping up with your own rules and guidelines then your motivation will always falter ..

[+] 1 user Likes BudzBunny's post
I divide my goal into little milestones. Setting achievable milestones is important for me in order to feel “done” or that I’ve accomplished something at the end of the day.
This makes me want to have that feeling over and over again so, in that way, success begets success.

[+] 1 user Likes nortus's post
motivation can start fire, but one has to keep fire alive by putting energy!

I usually have to force myself to finish. What I don't understand is why I enjoy a project and then the end just starts sucking for no apparent reason and it takes Superman strength just to continue it until the end.