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How does this forum work, credits explained !
Just stunning!

Thanks for the info!

this place looks great, good idea to avoid the dmcas

Thanks for the info

Lucifer NightStar Wrote:Hi all, 

Today we will be explains how to see links, how the credits system works and all. 

Let's start by describing why links are hidden.

Links are hidden in this forum because we use a credits based system to see links. We do this for a simple reason, and regardless of what people may think it is not greed. Unlike most forums, where shared content is lost, usually hours or even minutes after being posted due to DMCA requests, either by white knights or automated systems, this system bypasses this because it requires users to genuinely participate in the forum before they get access. 

How to See Links

Some links can be unlocked simple by replying to the thread. There are certain subforums where content is marked as Premium. Most notably, the Nudes/Social Content/Accounts Section are all marked Premium, and replying to threads will not unlock the content. In this case you must Pay to unlock the content using forum credits. See below on how this works. Premium Members bypass all these restrictions. 

How Credits Work

Credits are earned by posting threads (topics) on the forums, and getting replies on your threads (topics). You also earn 50% of the credits when people Pay to unlock your hidden content.
Thanks for the explanation

Sounds good to me

How do we see links??

Ok thank you. I wondered how it worked

jb2812 Wrote:done Lucifer NightStarHi all, 

Today we will be explains how to see links, how the credits system works and all. 

Let's start by describing why links are hidden.

Links are hidden in this forum because we use a credits based system to see links. We do this for a simple reason, and regardless of what people may think it is not greed. Unlike most forums, where shared content is lost, usually hours or even minutes after being posted due to DMCA requests, either by white knights or automated systems, this system bypasses this because it requires users to genuinely participate in the forum before they get access. 

How to See Links

Some links can be unlocked simple by replying to the thread. There are certain subforums where content is marked as Premium. Most notably, the Nudes/Social Content/Accounts Section are all marked Premium, and replying to threads will not unlock the content. In this case you must Pay to unlock the content using forum credits. See below on how this works. Premium Members bypass all these restrictions. 

How Credits Work

Credits are earned by posting threads (topics) on the forums, and getting replies on your threads (topics). You also earn 50% of the credits when people Pay to unlock your hidden content.
thanks alot mhaaaan

Lucifer NightStar Wrote:Oi tudo, 

hoje vamos estar explica como ver links, como o sistema funciona créditos e tudo. 

Vamos começar descrevendo por que os links estão ocultos.

Os links estão ocultos neste fórum porque usamos um sistema baseado em créditos para ver os links. Fazemos isso por uma razão simples, e independentemente do que as pessoas possam pensar, não é ganância. Diferentemente da maioria dos fóruns, onde o conteúdo compartilhado é perdido, geralmente horas ou até minutos após a publicação devido a solicitações de DMCA, por cavaleiros brancos ou sistemas automatizados, esse sistema ignora isso porque exige que os usuários participem genuinamente do fórum antes de obterem acesso. 

Como ver os links

Alguns links podem ser desbloqueados simplesmente respondendo ao tópico. Existem determinados subfóruns em que o conteúdo é marcado comoPrêmio.  O mais notável é que a seção Nus / Conteúdo social / Contas está marcada como Premium e a resposta aos tópicos não desbloqueia o conteúdo. Nesse caso, você deve pagar para desbloquear o conteúdo usando créditos do fórum. Veja abaixo como isso funciona. Os membros Premium ignoram todas essas restrições. 

Como funcionam os

créditos Os créditos são ganhos ao publicar tópicos (tópicos) nos fóruns e obter respostas nos seus tópicos (tópicos). Você também ganha 50% dos créditos quando as pessoas pagam para desbloquear seu conteúdo oculto.

Boa mano obrigado pelos links

Lucifer NightStar Wrote:Hi all, 

Today we will be explains how to see links, how the credits system works and all. 

Let's start by describing why links are hidden.

Links are hidden in this forum because we use a credits based system to see links. We do this for a simple reason, and regardless of what people may think it is not greed. Unlike most forums, where shared content is lost, usually hours or even minutes after being posted due to DMCA requests, either by white knights or automated systems, this system bypasses this because it requires users to genuinely participate in the forum before they get access. 

How to See Links

Some links can be unlocked simple by replying to the thread. There are certain subforums where content is marked as Premium. Most notably, the Nudes/Social Content/Accounts Section are all marked Premium, and replying to threads will not unlock the content. In this case you must Pay to unlock the content using forum credits. See below on how this works. Premium Members bypass all these restrictions. 

How Credits Work

Credits are earned by posting threads (topics) on the forums, and getting replies on your threads (topics). You also earn 50% of the credits when people Pay to unlock your hidden content.

thanks for the guide!

Thank you! great explanation and the system is very good

thanks for the info!

holy shit that's helpful and thanks

Lucifer NightStar Wrote:Hi all, 

Today we will be explains how to see links, how the credits system works and all. 

Let's start by describing why links are hidden.

Links are hidden in this forum because we use a credits based system to see links. We do this for a simple reason, and regardless of what people may think it is not greed. Unlike most forums, where shared content is lost, usually hours or even minutes after being posted due to DMCA requests, either by white knights or automated systems, this system bypasses this because it requires users to genuinely participate in the forum before they get access. 

How to See Links

Some links can be unlocked simple by replying to the thread. There are certain subforums where content is marked as Premium. Most notably, the Nudes/Social Content/Accounts Section are all marked Premium, and replying to threads will not unlock the content. In this case you must Pay to unlock the content using forum credits. See below on how this works. Premium Members bypass all these restrictions. 

How Credits Work

Credits are earned by posting threads (topics) on the forums, and getting replies on your threads (topics). You also earn 50% of the credits when people Pay to unlock your hidden content.
i understand but what is Contributor Level and how its goning up.
im negativ so i cant see the link.
Sorry my english is not the best Smile

thanks for the info

LOL kinda genius

thank good tutorial

Just signed up. Thanks for the concise explanation, although I must admit I'm more of a lurker I love the system this forum uses as it raises the level of engagement of users and discourages leechers and helps avoid DMCA takedowns.

Lucifer NightStarHi all, 

Today we will be explains how to see links, how the credits system works and all. 

Let's start by describing why links are hidden.

Links are hidden in this forum because we use a credits based system to see links. We do this for a simple reason, and regardless of what people may think it is not greed. Unlike most forums, where shared content is lost, usually hours or even minutes after being posted due to DMCA requests, either by white knights or automated systems, this system bypasses this because it requires users to genuinely participate in the forum before they get access. 

How to See Links

Some links can be unlocked simple by replying to the thread. There are certain subforums where content is marked as Premium. Most notably, the Nudes/Social Content/Accounts Section are all marked Premium, and replying to threads will not unlock the content. In this case you must Pay to unlock the content using forum credits. See below on how this works. Premium Members bypass all these restrictions. 

How Credits Work

Credits are earned by posting threads (topics) on the forums, and getting replies on your threads (topics). You also earn 50% of the credits when people Pay to unlock your hidden content.

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