How the heck do you date during quarantine
Got bored recently and went back on dating apps, it seems a lot of people are on it nearby me and I matched with tons of people, but I doubt anyone will be ready to meet in person for another 2-3 month though since we are still in middle of quarantine...if I want to stay in touch with someone I matched, how the heck do I keep the interest going for that long? Seems insanely difficult to text someone for 2-3 month without meeting them. Have you guys tried zoom dates? hows that working out.

I mean if you wear a mask and wash your hands a date shouldn't be that difficult.

wait it out until the covid-19 eases a bit

i assume you are Americans, so i have to ask, do you take this thing really so seriusly?

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Tinder, proper sanitation, and a prayer

Virtual dating is the way to go right now and when you find someone quarantine together I guess

ive heard of people pre-quarantine who met on omegle and maintained an ldr until they physically met months later. id imagine its not too different than that.

just use tinder man easy pus

FaceTime dating lol

tinder and bumble to meet new people tbh

Gotta think with the times outside the box

this is real life risk it for the biscuit irl lmao. gotta see how life goes and just thinking twice before risking health is crucial even more

Don't really know

online dating is boring. but can try