I'm Kaido
Hi, Kaido here!

Kinda interested in the leaks and i also will share some leaks with you guys! I've been on forums since 2010 so its not new for me. And yes i love anime and hentai too.

Any questions? Let me know!

[+] 1 user Likes Kaido's post
welcome kaido!

great to meet you Kaido. cthere are some quality shares on this site apparently, keep me updated if you find any good ones my friend :-)

Welcome kaido nice to meet you hope to see you around the forum

welcome to the forum kaido!

Welcome, There are some fun threads to check out in the lounge.
If you make a post there it will help your contribution level.
That will also give you credits.

Please check out my threads and like them if you like them.
Good day