If you’re American, do you know who you’re voting for yet?
It's one old white guy against another...

When I was a kid, I wanted a successful businessperson to be president so they could run a balanced budget and make mindful decisions...  seeing how Trump handled his four years, I feel like a successful businessperson doesn't make them a decent human being and instead they could be an arrogant a$$hole who only has their interests in mind...

So yeah, I'm pretty confident in how I'll be voting!

Biden. Trump has been a disaster, I don't see how anyone can look at the state of things in the U.S. and want 4 more years of it. Unless you've bought into Trump's con-job of "Fake News" and believe only him.

I just don’t understand how consistently now, we have picked only awful candidates in primaries

Biden/Harris 2020

Biden / Harris, at this point I have trouble understanding how someone could vote otherwise after spending over 5 minutes reading the news

(04-09-2020, 11:59 AM)Jwolf4 Wrote: I agree it’ll be a weird election. Mail in voting, hilariously, is extremely secure.  Not sure why they are attacking it.
Not true at all. ABSENTEE voting is secure because the run signature checks on the hand righting among other very time consuming measures including armed and armored escort trucks. Mail in voting is NOT absentee voting. They are not holding the same procedure set as Absentee ballots. They can't, too many people. Mail ins are being send by regular post. Ballots have been turning up at the wrong places, gone missing. I knowa guy who gotone for someone who hasn't lived at that address for 7 seven years. This is gonna be a really easy election to cheat in. But that is the democratic plan. It gives them leeway to contest the results if they don't like them. Watch. You'll see