If you can go back in time, which gaming system would you chose?
To further expand on the topic, which console system would you want to start off playing for your first time if you had the ability to pick and why that one? Would you pick something with better games in the future, or something else because your preference has changed? For example I had the PS2 and Wii as my first consoles (I had older ones but these are more relavent), but now on reflection I would prefer picking the Xbox since most of the people I met in the future have Xbox.

I was an xbox'er, I think if I had it do over, I would have done the playstation route. I went xbox because so many of my friends got one and thought we would co-op, but I ended up playing with others online more than my friends. plus, xbox failed on the Blu-ray format early so in the longrun it would have been better for me to go playstation. Just my take.