If you could witness any event in history...
which would you pick and why? I would probably want to see Renaissance italy

If you are talking like "time period" I'd probably go as far back as the Dino's. Just walking around to casually see giant creatures running around.

[+] 1 user Likes padov's post
it depends what were talking about
if i just get to witness it (as in i cant get hurt in any way) then id go all the way back to the big bang to see everything be formed

if its something i have to corporeally be there for then probably something like concert premieres of famous pieces of music

[+] 2 users Like hentaihee's post
Seeing what Babylon was really like.

Seeing a greek orgy. I'd love to join, but you said "witness"

I suppose I could amend the question to 'participate in'   Wink

If we're talking just witnessing with no possible harm to ourselves, id wanna see just how devastating the meteor that ended the dinosaurs truly was

I want to witness the creation of universe

[+] 1 user Likes rickalterego's post
probably the hanging garden of babylon or the library of alexandria