In-Person Sporting Events
Has anyone been to a Live Sporting Event during the recent reopening of live spectators in the US? What did you attend and how was the experience? Was proof of vaccination and negative Covid test required? Face masks required?

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I heard some stadiums were doing vaccine-required seating areas. Only problem is that CDC is still saying masks and distancing is recommended to avoid spread even if the vaccine minimizes chances of spreading the virus. IMHO populated events should be restricted until herd immunity is achieved (70-90% of population vaccinated). Efforts should instead be diverted towards countering misinformation (looking at you, Fox) so people actually get vaccinated. God I hate how stupid and stubborn lots of americans are

Dodger Stadium in L.A. actually created a whole section for covid19-vaccinated people, but still makes them wear masks for some stupid reason. The broadcast games I've seen, most people take off their masks and give no fucks about it. And no one seems to enforce masks, except for with the sports teams themselves. Until they stop with this bullshit mask thing, I'm not going to any professional sporting events.

Went to a bunch of college football and basketball games in the fall and this spring. They all require masks when you get in, but enforcement varies once you're seated. No vax proof or negative test required.

Depends on which state youre vvisiting